As 2020 comes to a close you may find yourself reflecting on the past year. No matter which way you look at it, I think we can all agree this year was intense!!
Living through a pandemic has touched us all in unique ways. And many of us are looking at life differently than we ever have. There’s beauty in that AND frustration, grief, discomfort mixed in there too. I honor all of that if it is true for you.
You may find yourself at a crossroads questioning, What do I want for myself in the new year? What do I need to release? How do I begin moving forward?
While it can be frustrating to feel out of place and uncertain, we can shift our perspective and view it as an opportunity for growth.
There is no way to control the flow of life. It takes you where it will, but what if, sprinkled with discomfort and loss, there is adventure and freedom and growth waiting for you?
I have created a FREE 2021 Intention Setting Journal for you. I wish we could be together in person like we have in previous years and I hope that you find inspiration and hope in through the journal prompts.
Download the journal HERE
Have courage and know that you never have to go through it alone. Your village is waiting for you
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